文档格式的排错:我妈妈_的清单中有数十条菜谱,甚至数百条。如果产生一个致命错误,排错将非常困难 - 你将一行一行地寻找丢失的标记符。如果使用几层嵌套,发现错误将很困难。
但是可以找到很好的帮助。分析器 - xml代码和报告格式错误的应用程序可以在网上免费得到。其中最好的是lark,它的作者是由tim bray - xml规范的技术编辑和极力鼓吹者,地球上最聪明的人之一。
我用lark分析下面的代码。注意"chocolate chips"和它的关闭标记符出现在</ingredients> 标记符中的位置有错误:
<@xml version="1.0"@>
<author>carol schmidt</author>
<recipe_name>chocolate chip bars</recipe_name>
<item>2/3 c butter</item>
<item>2 c brown sugar</item>
<item>1 tsp vanilla</item>
<item>1 3/4 c unsifted all-purpose flour</item>
<item>1 1/2 tsp baking powder</item>
<item>1/2 tsp salt</item>
<item>3 eggs</item>
<item>1/2 c chopped nuts</item>
</ingredients>2 cups (12-oz pkg.) semi-sweet choc.
preheat overn to 350 degrees. melt butter;
combine with brown sugar and vanilla in large mixing bowl.
set aside to cool. combine flour, baking powder, and salt; set aside.
add eggs to cooled sugar mixture; beat well. stir in reserved dry
ingredients, nuts, and chips.
spread in greased 13-by-9-inch pan. bake for 25 to 30 minutes
until golden brown; cool. cut into squares.
error report
line 17, column 22: encountered </ingredients> expected </item>
... assumed </item>
line 18, column 36: encountered </item> with no start-tag.
实现有效性最终我们将在组织良好的xml文档中加入信息。实际上,我们有很多事要做 - 仍然有危机潜伏 - 虽然xml文件组织良好,
<author>carol schmidt</author>
<recipe_name>chocolate chip bars</recipe_name>
<meal>dinner <course>dessert</course> </meal>
<ingredients> </ingredients>
<directions>melt butter; combine with, etc. ... </directions>
这份菜谱中没有包含ingredient,而且因为它组织良好,所以lark分析器也不会发现问题。管理过哪怕是最和善的数据库的人都知道我们人类常犯的错误:如果有机会,我们会丢掉关键信息并加入无用的废话。这就是为什么xml的发明者引入dtd - 文档类型定义(document type definition)。dtd提供了一种保证xml或多或少是你所想的方法。
<!doctype list [
<!element recipe (recipe_name, author, meal, ingredients, directions)>
<!element ingredients (item+)>
<!element meal (#pcdata, course@)>
<!element item (#pcdata, sub_item*)>
<!element recipe_name (#pcdata)>
<!element author (#pcdata)>
<!element course (#pcdata)>
<!element item (#pcdata)>
<!element subitem (#pcdata)>
<!element directions (#pcdata)>
<!doctype list [
<!element recipe (recipe_name, meal, ingredients, directions)>
<!element meal (#pcdata, course@)>
<meal>here the meal name is mandatory
<course>one course name may appear, but it is not
我这样做是因为,按照我的想法,午餐不一定特定某道菜,但是晚餐可能要指出开胃食品、主菜和餐后甜点。通过指定#pcdata - 表示经过分析的字符数据(即非二进制数据)来实现这个功能。这里,#pcdata是文本 - 例如,“dinner”。
<!element ingredients (item+)>
<!element item (#pcdata, sub_item*)>
我把sub_item*作为一项安全措施。除了要求每个item的文本之外,我希望计算每个item的内容的数量。星号是说在<item>标记符中可以有子条目的数目。我不需要chocolate chip bars菜谱的任何子条目,但是当它的组成成分很复杂时就用得着。
<@xml version="1.0"@>
<!--this starts the dtd. the first four lines address document structure-->
<!doctype list ][
<!element recipe (recipe_name, author, meal, ingredients,directions)>
<!element ingredients (item+)>
<!element meal (#pcdata, course@)>
<!element item (#pcdata, sub_item*)>
<!--these are the remaining elements of the recipe tag -->
<!element recipe_name (#pcdata)>
<!element author (#pcdata)>
<!element directions (#pcdata)>
<!--the remaining element of the meal tag -->
<!element course (#pcdata)>
<!--the remaining element of the item tag -->
<!element sub_item (#pcdata)>
<@xml version="1.0"@>
<author>carol schmidt</author>
<recipe_name>chocolate chip bars</recipe_name>
<item>2/3 c butter</item>
<item>2 c brown sugar</item>
<item>1 tsp vanilla</item>
<item>1 3/4 c unsifted all-purpose flour</item>
<item>1 1/2 tsp baking powder</item>
<item>1/2 tsp salt</item>
<item>3 eggs</item>
<item>1/2 c chopped nuts</item>
<item>2 cups (12-oz pkg.) semi-sweetchoc. chips</item>
preheat oven to 350 degrees. melt butter;
combinewith brown sugar and vanilla in large mixing bowl.
set aside to cool. combine flour, baking powder, andsalt;
set aside.add eggs to cooled sugar mixture; beat well.
stir in reserved dry ingredients, nuts, and chips.
spread in greased 13-by-9-inch pan.
bake for 25 to 30minutes until golden brown; cool.
cut into squares.
<recipe_name>pasta with tomato sauce</recipe_name>
<item>1 lb spaghetti</item>
<item>1 16-oz can diced tomatoes</item>
<item>4 cloves garlic</item>
<item>1 diced onion</item>
<item>italian seasoning
<sub_item>crushed red pepper</sub_item>
boil pasta. sauté garlic and onion.
add tomatoes.serve hot.
ingredients is not complete. expected elements [item].